Sword Legal in the UK?
Currently, as the items we sell are replicas, you do not need to have a permit for these items. All products sold on our website are legal to buy and own in the UK if you are aged 18 years and over. Any swords bought must be held in your home, and are not allowed in public without a valid reason. You may carry a sword outside the home, for going to and from an engagement such as using the sword as a prop in a sport, re-enactment or stage combat/acting, as long as it is fully covered.
Samurai and other curved blades were originally banned from sale in April 2008. An amendment of this act was passed months later in August 2008, allowing curved and Samurai swords, which are handmade using traditional forging methods before 1954, to be sold without a license. All the swords sold on our site are legal to own in the UK.
Due to legislation passed in 1988, we do not sell the following products due to them being made illegal to import or sell in the UK:
– Push Daggers
– Butterfly Knives
– Blowpipes
– Sword Canes
– Gravity Knives
– Knuckle Dusters
– Throwing Stars
For a more detailed breakdown please refer to the OFFENSIVE WEAPONS ACT 2019.
Following a public consultation, in August 2023 the Government announced that it intends to legislate to introduce a range of new knife crime measures, including a ban on machetes and certain other large knives, a new police power to seize and destroy bladed articles, increased maximum penalties for offences relating to sale and supply, and a new offence of possession of a bladed article with the intention to endanger life or cause fear of violence. The Government has now introduced these measures in the Criminal Justice Bill 2023-24, which is currently in committee stage in the Commons. Sections 2.3 and 3.2 of the Library’s briefing on the Bill provide further details.
The Law
UK Law forbids the sale of weapons of alcohol to persons under the age of 18. As such we are unable to sell either of these items to those people lucky enough to be under the age of 18.
It is NOT illegal for somebody under the age of 18 to own a weapon, just illegal for us to sell them one. Parents or generous relations are welcome to purchase these items for persons under the age of 18 but we do remind you that these items can maim or kill so caution is advised.
So what is a “weapon”?
Any item on our site that can cause injury or death is classed as a weapon. Yes, we know that you cause injury with a plastic or wooden sword etc. In general anything made of steel and pointy, sharp or designed to club people will be restricted to sale to people over the age of 18 only. Projectile weapons such as crossbows are also restricted in the same way.
We age check all our customers by verifying they are at least 18 years old. With regards to our sharp or sharpened items we must, by law, request proof of age and address in the form of a passport or driving license.